In early March, things at Branch HQ looked great: we were on track to achieve our best quarter ever by any metric, from web traffic to revenue to NPS.
As a refresher, we furnish corporate offices with high-quality desks and chairs, made in the same overseas factories as premium competitors but sold direct to save time and money. A few phrases in that description might give you pause, notably “overseas factories” and “corporate offices.” It probably goes without saying that COVID-19 came for us in March: first slowly, then all at once.
We initially felt the pandemic’s influence on our supply chain, with manufacturing and freight partners experiencing delays and extended closures after the Lunar New Year. But as teams around the country began working from home, we realized the coronavirus would impact demand for our core offering for an indefinite period.
As the majority of our pipeline evaporated, and despite making hard cuts to operate as efficiently as possible, we had to reorient Branch and find new ways to generate revenue to stay alive. The story is far from written, but I want to share a few of the things we’ve learned in the process of executing our temporary “pandemic pivot” into a DTC company—which brought us from a complete halt in revenue generation back to a seven figure run rate over the past two weeks.